Feedback – December 9, 2017:
Local resident:
“The City needs vision. I remember how the uptown used to be and how it looks now… After all the hard work [by GCAC], I hope the City comes around and sees the light.”
Local resident:
“Keeping our little town in my prayers that things will continue to look up!”
Local resident:
“Thank you for all of your hard work for and devotion to Crisfield.”
Condo owner:
“I would like to applaud your [GCAC’s] commitment and efforts. I visited the website. It is thorough, extensive, well done, and informative… Upon retiring, we will need to make a decision [about where we will live fulltime]… I have been watching with interest the movement to revitalize Crisfield. I’d rather retire in a town with businesses to meet my needs and businesses suitable for visitors than retire in a town filled with vacant storefronts and deteriorating housing. Thank you for all that you are doing to turn this diamond in the rough into a sparkling gem!”
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Previous feedback:
Owner at Harbour Lights:
“Thanks for including me with this information. This is an extremely ambitious, well thought out and presented plan. I am looking forward to seeing it take shape over the next several months and years. Crisfield owes you and this board a huge debt of gratitude, especially if it materializes as planned.”
Local businessman regarding the Action Plan:
“This is nice to see. Been needing an action plan for a long time.”
Owner at Harbour Lights:
“It was refreshing to see that you did this plan yourselves with community support.”
State official:
“I read the plan, and I like it. I like how comprehensive it is.
Local resident:
“Their (GCAC’s) plan is based on common sense, realistic and obtainable goals for everyone involved and has the residents’ best interest at heart. In this plan is a common sense layout based upon the knowledge of experienced people who have the town, its residents and business owners as their core objective.
I ask that our City Council and Mayor take great consideration that we are all in this together and it’s ultimately your decision to join hands with a group that provides the best opportunities for itself, its residents and our future residents.”
Community leader:
“I couldn’t get over Mark saying the plan was “too big… If you’re gonna come in with a plan, don’t make it a small one.”
Retired State Community Development Professional:
“My first impression is that this is a very complete and ambitious plan. Whoever wrote this did a nice job in communicating and laying out an action plan.”
Property owner:
“If this plan, or even a portion of it comes to fruition, it could have an enormous positive impact on the economic value of our property and on the quality of life in Crisfield.”
State official:
“WOW!! That is some editorial [letter to editor from Paul Regester]. I have been hearing about what is going on, and it is a shame. I hope this all gets turned around sooner rather than later.”
Owns property here and has family here:
“Keep up the fight!”
Businessman from Somerset County and owner at Harbour Lights:
“Very interesting….I thought I heard it was a tie vote. Which members aren’t supporting this? I appreciate your effort in trying to make Crisfield a better place for all of us.”
Has a very successful business in DE and owns a condo here:
“Sorry to read the account of the Crisfield council meeting.”
Has family roots in Crisfield:
“Thank you. Our war is not of earth but of principalities that have controlled Somerset way too long. Maybe back to slavery or before we were here. The battle is God’s, and He will be victorious. Hang tough.”
Community leader:
“I saw Paul’s letter, and it was great. The failure of the Council to endorse GCAC is not only sad, but it reflects poorly on the Crisfield Government. Hang in there!”
Community leader:
“I did read that letter [by Darlene Taylor] and hopefully we will take a picture of that downtown instead of a drawing!”
Property and business owner in area:
“Great article, and we loved the rendering.”
Frequent visitor:
“We noticed improved service in restaurants after the GCAC training. Keep it up!”
Owns property here and has family here:
“I hope that there will be fruitful meetings now between GCAC and City Council, and I hope I am able to come home for the meeting where Council finally agrees to accept the help that this exceptional group of people is eager to provide. I guess I’m not giving up hope just yet.”
Community leader:
“I do hope and pray that the work session on the action plan happens. One thing that struck me at last night’s meeting was that the audience in support of your organization was comprised of the most diverse group of people I have ever seen in Crisfield. There were both white and black folks from the upper end of the socio-economic spectrum, the same for working folks and the same for those seeking jobs and training. That was impressive!”
State leader:
“Keep the faith!”
Retired local businessman:
“If that meeting [August 24th] didn’t change the council’s mind, I don’t know what it would take… One of the council had told me most people were against this. Where were they?”
Community leader:
“For city council members to say they didn’t hear about GCAC was a “self indictment” with 80-100 people standing there who did know about it…”
Successful businessman to Mayor Lawson:
“You need growth, and you’ve got as talented a group of people as you have in this town, and you’re pushing them away… They can help you get the growth!”
Local business woman:
“Thank you for caring for our town and having a vision. I admire all of you.”
“I’m grateful for the magnificent job and your efforts put forth in the betterment of Crisfield. Keep up the good work.“
Community leader:
“I found it ‘remarkable’ the poor quality of the reasons given for not supporting GCAC’s mission.”
Retired local leader:
“I read the plan off Facebook. Looks great and I truly hope it will be achieved.”
Supporter and Crisfield visitor:
“Wow! There has to be some divine help with this project. It seems all-inclusive, comprehensive, and a labor of faith. Kudos to you and your team.”
Former resident, property owner:
“I grew up here in Crisfield, moving away in 1968, but I keep a vacation house here and come back once a month or so. I really love this town and have hated to see how it has gone down since I was a kid, and I am very happy to see the work that your group is doing. I will continue to give small amounts as I am able to support your efforts.”
Retired teacher and supporter from Princess Anne:
“Best of luck. I will keep you and Crisfield in prayer.”
CHS graduate and corporate analyst in metropolitan area:
“Wow, is that resistance I’m reading…? It seems like some folks don’t want change. You guys may need some media attention, so that the city council can explain itself in front of everyone. I’ve been talking Crisfield up to some folks (possible donors). Trying to get them to come down and take a look. I’ll get back to you once I get a feel about what they will do.“
CHS graduate and leader in sales:
“What can I do to help? I would love to support my community. God is blessing me and my Family more and more . You can call on me anytime.”
Property owner:
” I have been following the GCAC, and I am in support of what you are trying to do. I also believe Crisfield has great potential and that is why I initially invested a lot in property. However, I am convinced it is virtually impossible to improve our situation as long as the unfair property taxes are forced upon those who are actually paying taxes. Crisfield has to enlarge its tax base to survive, and they will never do it with these ridiculous taxes. I am sure you have had the same responses I’ve have when talking with potential home buyers. The statement is always that the taxes are higher than they are paying in Baltimore, New York, etc etc.
It seems the only way to get away from this unfair tax situation is to either suspend the Crisfield City Charter or do what is necessary to not pay Somerset County taxes. Since the County does little or nothing for these monies, it would not hurt us. Even though I really enjoy the view and the fishing, I have a hard time justifying this kind of cost. Anyway, keep up the good work, and I hope things do change for the better.“
Municipal leader in the region:
“I supported whatever would help my town… This [GCAC] seems like a no-brainer.”
Local business owner:
“I could not comprehend why a council representing the city they themselves live in would turn down free help from a group of professional business men and women who are offering their services free of charge. These are professionals who have proven over the years of their careers that they can get successful results. Wasn’t it Moses who asked Joshua and Caleb to hold up his arms in battle? When his arms were raised, they won; when they were lowered, they lost. Right now I see Crisfield with its arms down. Vision [imagine] Crisfield as Moses, the City Council on one side and the GCAC on the other side for a business plan of triumph. The Coalition is not asking you for funds; citizens and businesses are freely giving of their time, talents and monies to move forward.“
Resident and businessman:
“I can’t for the life of me understand why they would not accept help from GCAC. Crisfield has had study after study… Isn’t it time for some action?!”
Retired local businessman:
“I want to see Crisfield up and running.”
Retired engineer and stock trader who owns a condo in Crisfield:
“Sounds like you have some rough road ahead of you without the City Council’s support. Looks like there are still many people in CF who ‘want to keep things the way they are’. I still believe that economics will make/break this situation. I recommend that you seek companies/businesses who have an economic incentive to move into CF. You may have to give them an economic incentive. EG tax breaks or cheap access to land in CF to move a business. You will get opposition to bold moves like this, so anticipate them. You & I both know you’re doing the right thing. Keep going. I totally support your efforts.”
Local professional:
“I understand what you are trying to do, and I want to be part of this movement…”
Full-time resident:
“Thanks, Charlotte, for always keeping us informed!!!”
Owner at Harbour Lights:
“Thanks for including me in these emails, and thanks for all the work you do for the people of Crisfield.”
Community leader:
“This situation [with the City] is like the Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-18. By not giving up, the judge eventually gave in.”
Retired teacher, property owner, and full-time resident:
“Thank you for all you (and GCAC) are trying to do for the town. I can’t understand why they won’t give you their support. They should be supporting you for the good you will do Crisfield.”
Property owner and full-time resident:
“We are praying for you…”
Business owner:
“If you can’t get approval now, there is always the next election…”
Local professional:
“I am 100% for this. This is what Crisfield needs.”
New resident from NE:
“I agree with what the coalition is proposing and understand that while we don’t want to become congested like Ocean City or overbuilt, we do want the City to grow. Crisfield needs more businesses – A LOT more businesses! I owned a company all my life, and I understand the need for a plan to grow and to bring people to town to spend money in our restaurants and shops. I fully support what the coalition is proposing.”
Business owner:
“How can I help…?”
Community leader and full-time resident:
“The letter from the person opposing GCAC is interesting. I find nothing attractive about the empty storefronts and shabby appearance of the town. I certainly don’t want Crisfield to look anything like Ocean City, but we need businesses and something for people to do while they are visiting Crisfield.”
Area resident:
“Regardless of the challenges, I encourage GCAC to keep moving forward. I suggest you stay positive and continue to use the local newspaper as a public forum to explain, rebut, and present your positions. Please put me on your email list. My wife and I will support you in any way we can.”
Local resident and property owner:
“I gave your packets of materials to two friends of mine who are new here and encouraged them to be supportive. I also have another donation for you. I will help more when I get back from my winter travels.”
Successful businessman who owns property in Crisfield, Delaware, Florida, France and Switzerland:
“I read the newspaper report on your initiative to revitalize Crisfield. Your description of Item 1: market & brand Crisfield is absolutely right on target. As one who bought a place in Crisfield the first time I visited, I can attest to its authenticity and uniqueness. I couldn’t describe it at first, but you have done a remarkable job of defining the smorgasbord of delights Crisfield serves up every day to all who come here. I’m glad there is a spark of enthusiasm for telling the world about all the unique features of Crisfield. Your direction is RIGHT for the town, its people and the whole spirit of the area. I’m glad to be able to contribute, if only financially. I’ll send you a donation from the office next week.”
Local businessman:
“From what I can tell in talking to people, there has been a shift among the community in your [GCAC] favor. People are fed up. And the outcome of things at Carvel Hall has been a big disappointment. Meanwhile, people are reading the articles you are putting in the newspaper, and they are coming more and more your way… Can you see light at the end of the tunnel…? I do.”
Local businessman:
“Most people won’t write anything for the newspaper, but there are a lot of people thinking about what you all are trying to do…”
Supporter with family ties in Crisfield:
“A friend and donor wrote: “Building change is always painful. By arming the public with correct information, the committee is helping to provide the collective population the foundation to stand strong. This information will enable constituents to refute the erroneous and ill informed opinions of the few key people who thwart progress. Information is indeed the key to moving forward. This movement reminds me of momentum. The definition of momentum is the property of a moving object to continue moving forward. You have momentum and are exciting others to have the same likeness of mind with momentum to change Crisfield. With God’s help, continue to use the wind behind you wisely.”
Community leader:
“Thank you so much for this most recent email. I have been reading each of the weekly GCAC items in the County Times–great information and perspectives.”
Business owner:
” Be persistent. There are things that will help: the turbine, the library, the golf carts.”
Retired Eastern Shore public official:
“From all objective measures, this is a perfect marriage. You have a volunteer group who wants to help the city… The lack of support [from elected leaders] just doesn’t compute.”
Local supporter:
“I believe everyone appreciates the new streets and the wind turbine and the planters that have made the town better, but those things have not brought one new job. They are projects, disjointed and not part of an overall plan for improvement… What’s wrong with having a vision and a plan? I don’t see anyone [else] with a plan to bring jobs and opportunity here… I challenge anyone who believes that Crisfield is doing just fine the way it is to stop by the Point of Need ministry when they are helping our citizens make ends meet and see the long lines of people in need… The citizens of Crisfield need help, but not just a handout, an opportunity!”
Area leader:
“Thank you for all you do for under-served communities in Crisfield and beyond. You are bringing good into this world with your work and that’s the best any one of us can hope to do.”
Area contractor:
“I appreciate the hard work you are doing for Crisfield.”
Area lawyer:
“It’s a bit of a head scratcher because the coalition has the best interest of the City at heart, so why not work together…?”
CHS graduate and GCAC supporter:
“What Crisfield needs is UNITY. The more we can have that, the farther we will go…”
Area supporter:
“I live in Marion, so I can’t vote, but I am reading about your work in the newspaper and am praying for you and Crisfield.”